Ha-Be Betonchemie GmbH

Building Materials & Tools

We provide admixtures, colours, protection products, fibres, and additives for the global concrete industry. Our product portfolio includes specially formulated systems tailored to meet the needs of various applications, such as ready-mix concrete, precast, manufactured concrete products, and tunnel- & infrastructure projects.

In 2015, we established a production unit in Egypt. Through this facility, we supply our admixtures to the regional concrete market and to many remarkable projects.

Ha-Be - Who we are and what we do
Ha-Be - Admixture Systems for Infrastructure Projects
Ha-Be - Our Concrete Colours
Ha-Be - Our Microsilica
DURAHIT - Our Waterproofing System

Ha-Be - Who we are and what we do

MOWILITH® LDM 6880 – The additive for liquid-proof concrete

4-Steps-Technology for manufactured concrete products

DURAHIT Crystal Ad - The intelligent waterproofing admixture